Social Media Integration

Social Media has changed the way people use the internet, and it by necessity changes the way you do business on the web. We work with all Social Media platforms and integrate them into your website, branding, and overall marketing plan.

Facebook Insights Terms:

Reach and Impressions

The number of unique users who were served at least one impression of your content via News Feed, Ticker, Timeline or an ad.
The number of unique users who were served at least one impression of your content via News Feed, Ticker or Timeline without advertising.
The number of unique users who were served at least one impression of your content via News Feed, Ticker or Timeline with an ad.
The number of times your content was shown on News Feed, Ticker, Timeline or an ad. One unique user can be shown multiple impressions.
The number of times your content was shown on News Feed, Ticker or Timeline without advertising.
The number of times your content was shown on News Feed, Ticker or Timeline with an ad.
The number of times your page was visited by a logged-in user.
The number of times a tab was visited by a logged-in user.
A breakdown of the number of unique users served an impression of your content by frequency (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-10, 11-20 or 21+ times).


The number of unique users who clicked anywhere on your content, whether it resulted in a story or not.
The percentage of unique users who liked, commented on, shared or clicked on your post after having been served an impression.
The number of unique users who initiated clicks on your content that did not result in stories.
The number of clicks on your content that did not result in stories. Types of Consumptions: Link Clicks, Photo Views, Video Plays and Other Clicks.
The number of clicks on your content, whether it resulted in a story or not.
The number of unique users who generated a story about your content.
The number of times users interacted with your content in ways that were displayed to friends and followers. Examples: Page like; checkin, page mention, Event RSVP; Offer claim; post like, comment or share.
Actions users can take to tell Facebook that they do not want to see your content. Examples: Hide post, hide all posts, report as spam, unlike page.
Actions users take that generate stories and spread your message to their friends. Examples: Question answer; Offer claim; post comment, like or share; Event RSVP.

Fan Data

The following terms are found within the Page Level Export…

The number of your fans online per hour, by day, to see any content from any source.
The exact location a user chose to like your page.
The number of likes accumulated by your page through a particular day.
The number of likes accumulated on a particular day.
The number of fans who unlikes your page on a particular day.


The following terms are found in the “Key Metrics” tab of the Post Level Export…

The number of times your content was shown to fans in News Feed, Ticker, Timeline or an ad. One unique fan can be shown multiple impressions.
The number of times your content was shown to fans on News Feed, Ticker or Timeline with an ad.
The number of unique fans who were served at least one impression of your content via News Feed, Ticker, Timeline or an ad.
The number of unique fans who were served at least one impression of your content via News Feed, Ticker or Timeline with an ad.
The number of unique fans who clicked anywhere on your content, whether it resulted in a story or not.

Social Media Samples